Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Quandary of the day.

ah, the constant quandaries of modern life. On one hand, I desperately want to go to London. I want it so bad. I dream of that weekend in Paris seeing the Eiffel tower or the tiger eye in London. I want it so so so much. More than I think I've ever wanted in my life. This will not be possible if the dollar doesn't go back up. Right now ten dollars American is a little more than 4 in GDP or British pounds. Why the damn limeys can't go with the euro like the rest of their continent, I don't know. But nonetheless, its just way to much of a difference for me to do it. No matter what happens, I'll borrow the money. I wouldn't do that to my parents and I refuse to be beholden to my father. Even though technically they are beholden to me. Nonetheless, I won't use any of their savings and mine are tapped out. I just cannot rationalize a trip to London with things the way they are. I need interest rates to go up so the dollar will get kicked into high gear. Yeah, it will screw up the economy, but the general economy doesn't directly effect my life as long as gas prices stay low. On the other hand, we got approved for a house loan today. I'm not sure the interest rate but I do know that its something we have talked about for two years now. The only thing is that I'm not sure about how enthusiastic I can get when I know I'll be out of here in a year/ year and a half. I cling to this as a way to bolster an otherwise dreary day in which I acknowledge my feelings of incredible hatred for las vegas. But I do want a new house. This apartment is just too small and Teddy and Coco desperately need a yard to play in. I need interest rates to stay fairly low for that. Sigh, decisions decisions.