Thursday, January 17, 2008

Crystal's Presidential Predictions

   With the caucus coming up, it is that time my readership has so looked forward to. My readership of probably one but none the less, its time for me to say where I'm predicting Nevada going. First of all, I think Obama will take Nevada. Its a maverick state that is comprised of left wing bleeding hearts, ambivalent apathetics, and angry former republicans. That is who will be voting in the democratic election along with the culinary union which is a very important block. Actually, I don't think the culinary union would be as important but they are going to be allowed to vote in the casinos and there is more emphasis on their voting than ever before. Not to mention the very transparent lawsuit filed by the teacher's union that made the caucus even more controversial and high profile for the culinary union. The way I figure it, the extreme lefties will go for hillary more than any other group, but I think Obama is becoming more and more viable for them. I think the ambivalent apathetics that actually get out in vote will do so because it is really being hammered here. Those that will get out will vote for Obama. He has a certain cache that appeals to them. Further, I think that the people who have separated from the republican party will vote for Obama because the hatred for Slick Hilly still remains. I think that the Obama image is so much stronger here. Even though the Hillary commercials are very irritating.    For the Republican Party I project a win for Romney. I think it will be very close. I know that the republicans have not campaigned here at all because the believed that the large Mormon population will turn the tide for Romney. However, I think this is wrong headed because there really isn't enough of a Mormon presence to make an easy victory than one would believe. Plus, the presence of many Mormons in this state has also created a certain uneasiness with the Mormon church that is seen as very forceful and over powering. I think Nevada more than any other state will have a Romney anti-vote.    Actually, I think the next contender will be Ron Paul. He is the only one that is campaigning and the man has a huge machine here. There are Ron Paul signs everywhere and moreover, the man has slaves. There are more Ron Paul signs than any others on the roads. As a matter of fact, a week ago I was calling a Ron Paul victory. However, I am revoking that as two days ago because I don't think enough Paulites converted to Republican before the cut off.    You see, the republicans are once again making everything a great deal more complicated. Though its probably very smart. You have to be a registered republican for thirty days to vote in the primary. I changed over in protest but mine must have got lost because as of today, I'm still an independent. I confess, even though I won't get to vote in the Primary, I'm still happy to claim Independent status. I could vote in the democratic primary. But I really don't care enough and that many liberals surrounding me would make me break me out in hives. Not that I don't love the liberal population, but that's a minefield.    Due to this, everyone is terrified that a bunch of republicans will vote in the democratic primary because they can just sign a form and do it. Hypothetically, you could vote in both.    As for me, I'm still very conflicted about who I would like for president. However, since its all academic, I can just send good vibes to all the Republican candidates Except Huckabee. I hate Huckabee.    The man is not a conservative and is so religiously zealous that the liberal media is salivating that he might be our candidate because he could be slaughtered in an a general election. His son is crazy, and he is just too Evangelical. He is a zealot that turns everyone off that isn't an Evangelical. Of course, I say that and then I meet the most surprising people who like him. Like my dear friend Mr. T, who shall remain a mystery. He is a liberal that actually interned for Clinton who likes Huckabee. He will vote for a democrat, he doesn't know who yet but my money is on Obama because he's always been a fan. But when talking to him the other day, his first words were I really like Huckabee. My reaction, of course, was, ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?!    I loathe upchukabee. Absolutely abhor him. I think he's a total nutjob.    In other news, lately I have felt the irresistable urge to buy a red trench coat and a stand up mixer. With a bread hook. The Mixer, not the trench. I also am looking forward to my class on serial killers.