I would like to go on record as saying, I didn't start hating Meghan Mccain. In fact, I was an early fan of MccainBlogette. I didn't realize why I hated her until today. Allow me to explain:
I don't like her. I hate her. She is one of the few people I would just really love to smack upside her bleach blonde head. I have more ire for her than I do Pelosi and Reid combined.
 You would think that I would be a fan. I agree with her on a lot of the issues. I too am for gay marriage. We are almost the same age and I'm all about the plus-size power. But I don't and here's why.
  1. She's using the movement. She's not a conservative. She's twittered many times in favor of government and until her Daddy was on a ballot, she didn't even claim to be a conservative. She voted for John Kerry. She supposedly voted for Gore when she was 16. Lie much? But she doesn't know what we're about. She hasn't spent her life trying to read and study conservative values. Yeah she has a picture of her with Goldwater when she was Four. But have ya read any Milton Freedman lately? Hell no. She is spending all her energies trying to become a celebrity and has realized that the only way that is going to happen is if she uses her family connections to become the young voice of the conservative party.
 That brings me to the next point;
 2. She's in it for the fame. Anyone that thinks there's good intentions in there is sorely mistaken. She's doing it right too. The quickest way to become famous is to have a fight with a big name and antagonize them until they reply. (Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham,) She said that she doesn't even know who Laura Ingraham is. Well, that shows she's doing her homework doesn't it? Maybe if she wasn't so busy getting her nails done and congratulating Perez Hilton for his clever frowning at the Miss U.S.A pageant she could take the time to listen to conservative radio, the medium of our movement?   Honestly, I'm expecting a photo op with someone from The Hills next. Heidi and Spencer would sooo love her. And they have so much in common!
  Not to mention she's using the gay movement. I for one, was so offended by the fact that she talked about her Gay friend, her hairdresser. Stereotype much? You have one gay friend? How is that possible? Speaking as someone who's life is almost a pride parade every damn day, I think princess needs to get out of her tower a little bit. I think that she has realized the power of the homosexual movement. I believe Samantha from SATC (that's Sex and the City for the newbs) said it most clearly when she pointed out that to become a sensation and be famous, you have to get the gays. Well, she may prance around like a Gay Icon but baby, Cher she is not.
  3. She voted against Bush in both elections. Ok, we get it. You despise him because he beat your dad in the primary. That would hold water if she wasn't pandering to all the sources of media that screwered her father during the past election. She's going on The View? Hello, am I the only one that saw them treat her father like an idiot two months before the election? Has she no family loyalty that she would lower herself to sucking up to the women that spent four months promoting his opponent?
  Oh, and thats not even the worst one. She. Went. To. Perez. Hilton's. Birthday. Party. You heard me. The man that spent every single day going after her father, who called him dispicable names, drew a penis on him in photoshop, and called her mother a DRUG ADDICTED CRYPT KEEPER. He crucified the McCains every damn day. She went to his birthday party. And yesterday she congratulated him on his behavior at the Pageant. She should have supported Miss California for going with her beliefs and standing up for herself. But no, she took that useless scumbag's side.
  4. She is convinced she is the voice of our generation. Oh yes, she knows what we all believe. After all, how could we not believe everything she believes? Oh and we all like punk music and wear black so we must definitely want the GOP to appeal to that group. Of course, if she wasn't an idiot, she would realize that the punk market is actually pretty well covered. It's the rap and pop markets we need to grab a hold of. I'm the first to say that we need to change our image, but to even give credence to her shallow ramblings is the ultimate in idiocy.
  5. When most ardent conservatives were working on campaigns, running for office in the College Republican chapters, and in general being young Conservatives, Meghan McCain was interning at Saturday Night Live. Which hey, is a kick ass internship. But as far as I'm concerned, she doesn't have the background needed to represent the conservative movement. She was never in the trenches passing out fliers for her chapter or doing the many backbreaking labor that has no purpose other than to combat the indoctrination on college campuses.
  Now, I know what everyone is going to say. She campaigned for her dad. Well, yeah, he's her dad. Is there anybody that wouldn't do all they could to get their dad elected president? Well, I wouldn't but that's because my Daddy would just drop the bomb all over the Middle East and then call it a day. She may have been the child of a Republican Presidential Nominee and bounced on the knee of Barry Goldwater, but that does not make you a conservative leader or even a conservative. Just ask Ronnie Reagan and Patti Davis.
  6. Lastly, and more importantly, Meghan McCain is the most self-absorbed writer/blogger/tweeter/pundit out there. She embodies the worse aspect of our culture and our generation. Every single remark is in reference to her and how she feels. Let's not say why Ann Coulter is bad for the party. Let's talk about how little Meghan doesn't like her because she is like, so controversial and mean spirited. Oh and Karl Rove is such a creeper because he follows her on twitter. Uh, hello? Karl Rove follows everyone on twitter. He follows me on twitter. That's half the point of twitter, you moron. Whats the point of learning about other people if you only follow 25? You obviously don't care to learn about what your followers think. Every tweet, every post, is about her life and what she's thinking. Honey, I know you think you're just fascinating but can you put some effort in to being more interesting? Honestly.
  I'm not hater. I'm all about letting people do they're own thing and believing what they want. But when you start advertising yourself as the voice of a generation and you honestly believe that you can tell men who have been in politics for 20 years how to run a party, you need to be dropped down a peg. Moreover, everything she tells them is wrong. God, I hate hate hate Meghan McCain.
 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to unfollow her on Twitter because my gag reflex and my blood pressure can take only so much.
You are so right! She is the most superficial person on earth! I don't know why she is getting as much press that she is getting!
I totally agree. I'm also tired of Democrats coming out of the woodwork and commenting that she's smart, and is a breath of fresh air for the Republican party. It figures that the only way to get these Democrats to say something nice about a Republican is to have that Repuplican be a Democrat. Oh well, we're at the point where politics has become as shallow as American Idol anyways. This last election proved it for me. I think I'll move to another planet.
Great piece on Meghan McCain. Very well thought-out and I agree with everything you said. She is a shameless attention whore, but even more annoying than that is her beyond-belief stupidity. I want to see her in a round table type of discussion with other young people who have a GENUINE interest in politics (unlike Meghan's fake interest). That would be almost too painful to watch...almost. The entertainment value would far outweigh the discomfort of watching this extremely bitchy fool try and keep up.
UGH!! Thank you SO much for putting into words what I have been trying to explain to my bf for the past few weeks. I didn't hate her in the beginning but SO done with her. Need a movement ...the STFU Meghan McCain movement.
I despise her smug overly-superior tone of voice. I don't care what she's saying - I might even agree with her - but I won't stick around long enough to find out, since her voice irritates the hell out of me! It's that overly affected aren't-I-so-important! and I'm-so-in-love-with-myself voice. It might as well be fingernails on a blackboard.
I totally agree with your post. I HATE this bitch also! She is the daughter of a coward and a murderer. McCain was showing off and fired his missile causing the USS Forrestal disaster KILLING 168 brave men! To see his whiney mouth on TV and seeing his disgusting blonde bimbo daughter makes me SICK!! Why did FOX hire this Liberal Skank?!??!
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