Friday, January 16, 2009

I'm voting for a fucking democrat...yes, I said DEMOCRAT!!!

Thats it, I'm walking over to the dark side. I'm entering the land of evil, global whining, cultural relativism, and b. hussein obamania. I have had it with the governor of Nevada. It was one thing when he cut out my major. I could take that. But now the bastard wants to cut the budget for unlv by 52%, thus eliminating the liberal arts college. IT'S A LIBERAL ARTS UNIVERSITY!!!! Plus, he wants to cut the teacher budget by 6%. How am I supposed to be taken care of in the manner that I have been accustomed to if my mom gets paid less? Don't they know the unemployment rate for millenials? There is no way I can survive in this state without a job and Big Mama making less. THAT SORRY SON OF A BITCH!!!

I have never been for raising taxes, but when a state pays the least taxes of anyone except alaska, you can raise them enough to pay for what you've already created. Lesson to Republicans: If you want young people to become republicans, don't shut down their college.

Sigh, this is a great test of my faith in conservatism. I'm going to have to do some soul searching. ALONG WITH MY JOB SEARCHING YOU CHICKEN SHIT SON OF A BITCH GIBBONS!!!!

Now, I'm off to my thesis class that I had to take this semester because the bastard removed my major.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Crystal,

I would like you to know that, as a result of reading this post, I am currently doing cartwheels around my cubicle. Oh crap, my boss just called security.


In the spirit of DEMOCRATcy,


Commodore Crystal said...

Don't gloat, you jerk, this will never happen again. There is precedent in my family. Mom voted for Ann Richards back in the day. Though I admit, the idea of voting for a democrat makes me sick to my stomach. Besides, his approval rating is so bad that a another republican will probably challenge him. But I'm pissed enough to do the one thing that violates my every core belief. I am very very very angry...

After the inauguation, you better call me.