Thursday, January 31, 2008

Why I Now Support McCain

   Apparently as conservatives, we have two options. John and Mitt. I confess to being somewhat underwhelmed. Okay let's face it, we are all suffering from electile dysfunction. Mitt has too many problems, i.e. flipflopping and his religion, and Mccain is not a true conservative, according to every radio host from rush to sean to glenn to the great one. He likes amnesty and was against the bush tax cuts. Of course there was his opinion of gitmo and interrogation techniques. In short, we are all having problems with our apparent non-choices.    The things that's interesting is that the democrats think this will split the republican party. However, as usual, they once again underestimate our hatred of billary. The only person I think the republicans wouldn't vote for over hillary is osama bin laden. And now that obama has aligned himself with Teddy K, he has made himself much more of a republican target. In short, as much as liberals hate bush, which is supposedly their uniting force, we hate hillary. I think its hard for liberals to imagine this, but its true.    So the question remains, Mitt or John? Personally, I'm going along with electability. Yeah, Mitt is the candidate I most agree with and yes, he's probably a better choice, but it doesn't matter. If you are right when your boat is sinking, you're still heading to the bottom of the ocean. Mccain can win. Further, i'm beginning to think it wouldn't be such a bad thing to have a man that could bring some peace to the national politics. He's a good man who stands by his convictions, and further, he will stand up against the terrorists. Most importantly, he can win. As much as I would love for conservative values to be back in the white house, i would much rather have the devil himself than hillary clinton. McCain is the only one who could beat them. The republican party is ailing folks, we are mired in the mess bush left us and any number of problems. Its time to be practical.    On a personal note, John McCain's wife needs to get a better bra. Lift and support honey, lift and support. She's a beer heiress married to a U.S. Senator, you would think she could afford a better stylist/personal shopper. oy vey! But then again, she has a lot of baggage. She's a former prescription drug addict who had a very serious stroke in 2004. On the other hand, she's in charge of a $300 million dollar company.    I just looked up Mccain on wiki. We have the same birthday!    Who's more likely for VP? Thompson or Rudy? What do you guys think?


shannan said...

great post - you're so politically savvy! glad you're going with mccain too...

p.s. did you get a chance to read meghan mccain's blog yet?