The smile of the relieved and the pic I sent Cindy.
I still have to do one take home final, but for all intents and purposes, I'm free, free, FREEEE!
Imagine me saying that just like Mel Gibson in Braveheart, only you know, without the castration and torture thing. Ick.
Now to catch the world up on my life, because even though you don't care, I feel like making anyone stupid enough to read my crap to suffer for it. Really, what are you thinking? Don't you have better things to do? I always notice that more people write on my wall and send me messages during finals week because they get so bored or are just procrastinating. Go back to studying friend.
So anyway, the last two weeks have been one big ball of drama that I haven't seen since I was a theater major or Texas. (ah texas more about that later) The Rodeo Finals are in town so I've been spending the time I should be studying watching all the hot cowboys go into the thomas and mack, which is the big coliseum that all the stuff happens at. 15,000 people in town and you know at least 3/4ths are cowboys. Yum yum. Hopefully yours truly will drag out the ole whoredrobe, go to Stoneys next friday, and knock boots with them. (Literally knock boots by line dancing and two stepping with them, gutter mind.) {You should be ashamed, tsk tsk.}
I'm having too many christmas cocktails as well as meeting to many of my friends at bars or champagne brunchs because all the liquor is getting ridiculous. I'm not getting drunk you understand because its all spread out but my jeans are getting a tad snug. Which reminds me of my favorite study of the month, which is one that came out that says Lubbock Texas is one of the top ten drunkest cities in America. I cannot tell you the joy that flows through me at the irony. This is a city that doesn't sell hard liquor past 9, doesn't serve liquor at all past 2, and all the clubs close at 4. Not to mention you can't buy it throughout the county. Vegas didn't make it in the top 50 and we are lobbying at UNLV to get a bar on campus. I loooooovvvveee it!
Once again, I am enjoying the sixty degree weather that is the bitter cold winters of Las Vegas. Totally makes up for the 120 degree summers. I love all these people that have lived here too long and are consequently are dressed like they are going to take a trek up to the artic after their last final. Boots, a scarf, gloves, jacket, toboggan, and hoodie? Come on. On the other hand there is the girls that wear butt cheek showing shorts and uggs, because they feel the need to both look like a tramp and keep their toes warm.
I love the fact that last Wednesday, a guy dressed up like ninja, visibly creeped like a ninja all over campus an no one blinks. If any comment was made, it was along the lines of "It's vegas." Looooooovvvvveeee it!
I leave for Texas in a week and a half. As usual, this comes entailed with the usual mixed bag of feelings. I told my dear friend Felicia that Texas and I are in the middle of a terrible love affair. We love each other, but we just can't be together. This was in the middle of another long explanation about what Texas means to me. Or even what it means to be a Texan. Of course that doesn't stop them from making you say "something in Texan." You try telling people that Texan is your nationality and you are a expatriate from that fine republic and people think you are insane. But that is what it feels like to be a Texan. Even being 3 years away still leaves lingering feelings of pride. The rest of the world considers it arrogance, which it really is, but hey, we can back it up. The thing about Texas is that I'm always so happy to get there and so happy to leave. I miss my gran, bryson, and all my friends from High School, but thats not my life anymore. It all seems so surreal that I ever lived there. The whole time I'm there, I'm like, I really spent 18 years here? Really? Going there straight from Las Vegas is like coming from Mars. If everything could be more different, I don't know how. Everytime I cross that Texas border, I'm overcome with joy, annoyance, excitement, bitterness, and allergies.
This time of my life is like limbo. I have these ties to Texas, ties to Las Vegas and I'm drifting to somewhere else. If its true that home is not where you live, but where they understand you, then neither place could be considered my home. And I really don't know why I'm pondering all this at noon on a monday when I have so many things on my mind and so many things in my life. Probably because if I'm not having a quarterlife crisis, a metaphysical crisis, an existential crisis, a crisis of faith or depressed, I'm having a nervous breakdown because everything seems to be going too well. I'm beginning to define the word neurotic. lol. There might be something to the idea of being over educated. Too much self analyzation.
If you are still with me, take a breath because the following is something that will change your life.
Okay. Let's establish several facts. I'm a bitter cynic that behind a congenial nature and delicate sensibilities lies a inner abyss of rage and abhorance of mariachi bands. I do not get thrilled about much and further more, as many books as I read, literature for the most part has stopped being a pleasure and has become the suffering of every english major.
I have found quite possibly the greatest book of my generation. (until I write a better one) It is quite frankly, amazing. It changed my thinking on so many things. Its called Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert and it is phenomenal. I will confess that I loved the first part set in Italy more than any other. I started crying and laughed so much in the Italy part. After that things got a little murky, but I think that is because that is where I am in my life. The book is a true story about a woman that goes to Italy, India, and Indonesia on a spiritual journey. It will change your life. It brought me closer to God and made me understand so many things.
While I warn my conservative readers that it has a few anti-Bush remarks, one can ignore her liberal bias enough to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading someone that loves writing, words, and knowledge. Its not a Christian book. Its about religion, but focuses mostly on meditation etc etc. After reading it, I called everyone the book reminded me of and told them to screw finals, go get this book and read it. It will purely transform you. You will never be the same.
That was my book review of the month, look forward to more in the coming weeks when I will have nothing to do but read.
Lastly, here are two songs that everyone needs to download now because they are awesome. For these times by Martina McBride and Devil and the Cross by Halfway to Hazard.
I know that was long, but its been like a month. Expect more in the next few days. Oh what the hell, no one read this far anyway. HAH!
Quote of the day: "Let us step out into the night and persue that flighty temptress, adventure!"~JK Rowling
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