Attention, I have an Announcement!
>>>>*~*TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!*~*<<<<
Please, no applause. And as is my way, I have trouble sleeping sometimes and feel the need to express my innermost thoughts even though no one ever reads it and this usually just turns into a session of self-indulgence. But then it's my birthday so the world has to do what I want!!!
Well, where to start? How does one encapsulate 23 years of life? Eh, too much effort. Let's just talk about where I am now.
I am, for maybe the first time in my life, genuinely and utterly happy. Even though I'm surrounded by liberal indoctrination and general nut jobs, I don't care because so much of my life is just simply lovely. I have my forever best friend Travers who, bless him, let me rant and rave about Obama, make snarky comments, and tell him about my uterus for thirty minutes last night. He is just one of those people who are just simpatico with my soul. I have such wonderful friends spread out all over the country. I have my new network of friends, Team C. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy Blue, Kat, Lash, Deuce, Jojo, Jersey, and the Captain. They are truly great friends. Then I have such wonderful friends as Felicia, who I always can talk to and makes me laugh.
I'm living in a Beautiful house, that is like a palace compared to where I've lived before. (most people don't know this, but I've spent most of my life in Trailer houses) My classes are completely nuts full of liberal indoctrination, but hey, thats interesting. I have a new car. And even though my Grandmother is having several problems with her kidneys, everyone else seems to be doing well.
But I think the biggest difference is the transformation that occurred this summer. I feel so free of my neuroses. i'm not going into a big thing about all the bad stuff that happened in Italy, but all those things happened and I survived. I had surgery last Sat, something I've been putting off forever, and I survived. All of these seem silly, and they do now, but I was paralized with fear about being unliked, unpopular, alone, and pain. Now thats its all happened I feel so free. Free like I could never be in Lubbock Texas.
Furthermore, I'm so proud to be an American and living abroad makes me love this country sooooooo much. God is Truly Great.
So even though my birthday is usually really depressing, this year I just can't be depressed about living in Las Vegas, being a year behind in my classes, or being away from all I love. Because for me, it might not get better than this. And God knows, its been much much worse. So this birthday? I'm doing good.
Now if McCain could just make my birthday a complete delight and nominate Palin or Hutchison for VP.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ah, 23 years old. God that sounds old.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Rise of the Commodore!
okay, I'll try to keep this brief as I explain all the stuff thats gone down in the last few weeks. Its been some wild shit man.
Okay, let's back track to my little mini vacay with mi madre. It was really great to show my mom the sights. She has dreamed of Washington DC for so long. She squealed like a little girl when she saw the capital and I had to practically drag her out of the natural history museum. She loved it so much. It was unfortunate that the American History museum was closed but nonetheless, it was fabulous. As dorky it sounds, I just love being with my mom. Even when she is driving me nuts.
Also, I got to see two of my best friends in the world. Two people who I absolutely adore, Fran and Travy!
We celebrated Trav's birthday in style at Gordon Biersh's and then we hopped over to Busboys and poets for a while. We concluded the night at the Black Cat. I would like to go into more detail but mainly we talked and had a few drinks. It was just so fabulous to be with these people who've i haven't seen but once in 4 years and yet who've had such an impact on my life. These are the kind of friends that are lifetime friends, the ones that you want your kids to play with when you're older, the kind that you call when something great happens to you. I'm so blessed to have them in my life.
And then there was the Yaf conference. Oh so much to say and so little of it printable!!! Where to start? Oh dear...
Well, I was rather hesitant to attend this year's conference. It always amazes me that I'm the most conservative (dare I even say cleanest mouth?) in the room unless I'm in Lubbock Texas or this conference where I'm consequently demoted to Satan's handmaiden. One can only take so much disapproval of one's (granted completely irreverent and inappropriate) sense of humor.
However, I have to say I can't remember having so much fun in my life. I somehow became a commodore of a team of unique individuals, people who on the surface don't have that much in common and yet bonded so tightly that we are still calling and messaging each other a week later. We all have nicknames and yes, i came up with them. It just seems like we transcended all the minute things that keep people from getting to know each other. So for me, last week was special. And was really great was being loved. I guess I've been treated too harshly by my peers in Vegas and Lubbock. At this convention, people actually seemed to think i was funny and clever. I think that the events of the last four years had made me forget that feeling of riding on just one big wave of laughter.
Oh, and I announced my major was stripping on C-span. Mustn't forget that little tidbit. See video in previous post
Suffice to say, I met some of the most intelligent and moral people I will ever meet and I love being a conservative.
Of course, I came to Texas for my Semi-annual trip and found out my grandmother is having near fatal kidney failure, my friend from high school is having a hellacious time in Mexico, and that I have to have emergency surgery next week, but hey, thats another blog entry.