I've been a very bad bad girl. (insert dirty comment here) I've gone several months without writing on this blog and I have been terribly neglectful. Shameful I know.
I wish I could catch you up on my life, but not to put to fine a point on it, a shitload has happened lately. What with the presidential election, the writing of my novel, the formation of Team C and my burgeoning relationships with several people, I have been a busy little beaver. (insert less funny more crude comment here)
I suppose I could talk about my own little existential crisis and my current Quarter-life crisis about what I could do with my life. I could talk about amy incredible disappointment with the electoral process and my disillusionment about the sanity and intelligence of the American People. I could go into great depth about my personal journey and the overcoming of my past. But all in all, I really don't think anyone cares. Tonight we all are just thinking about Pumpkin Pie and Turkeys. And after the long day/long week/long month/long six months I've had lately, I find it exhausting to think about writing a blog entry when I have television on the DVR and my toes are freezing. Suffice to say, time to go to my room, spread out on the bed, get under the covers, and watch some Murphy Brown while listening to the rare sound of Rain (yes actual honest to God Rain) patter against my window.
Soon, I will write a long blog entry about what I believe to be the future of conservativism, where I am currently spiritually, the latest events of my life, my future plans, and my penguin slippers. ( they are very cute!) {They are wearing Earmuffs} Not to mention my pleasure over the new Godiva store that opened and the beginning of my favorite season. Not Christmas silly. Rodeo season---a season where God gives Crystal the special gift of hot cowboys wearing stetsons and tight denim. It is, simply, the most wonderful time of the year.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Okay, time to start back to this
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Debate commentary
I haven't written on here in a while but I've decided to have a debate commentary. I'm watching Fox news, stay tuned.
Keep refreshing the page for my comments
6:03 Can I call you joe?!?! Settin' him up...
Biden is such a douche. Why is she smiling?
Get to the point sarah. She looks stressed...loosen up sarah.
Yes! Mention the campaign suspension
friends on both side of the aisle my ass.
Nice save Sarah!!!
I love her!!!
6:09 Great way with the common people. She's making herself to be one of the people. Which she is.
Biden is sounding like that boring prof that sounds like charlie brown's teacher
Talk about the derregulation! Talk about the deregulation! That wasn't what he said!!!
Talk about the deregulation! Biden is such a smug son of a bitch. Lull him into complacency.
Yes! Yes! Go sarah!!! Saw that patriotic comment coming!
6:19 She's getting in the zone!!!
Where is he getting these figures?
is it just me or is he boring? like really hard to concentrate boring?
That's great...that was so great. He's on the defense and we look goooooooddd!
Okay, that was a good come back but I don't understand what they stand for...
6:29 Let it go. You don't have time for this. Get to it!!!
Biden 3 Palin 2
Biden is so full of Bullshit!
She just nailed his ass.
Great job!!! Traditional marriages but still legal rights...
Hahaha! Nail his ass
6:40 This is supposed to be her weak point...
You can't tell your enemies that you have a timeline. Stupid...
Yes! She is really throwing his words back at him... Hilarious!
Ok sarah, go back to that
6:46 Paper tiger comment coming
I think she is more impactful that McCain.
She's knocking the foreign policy out of the park
Score Biden 4 Palin 6
What friends and allies are he talking about
Ifill is doing well...
Palin needs a better poker face
He is just making this stuff up...
Look at his face!!!! Classic!!!!
She's doing great!
I'm slowing down because I'm just entranced...
Great answer. He is lecturing like a professor. She's talking to you like your next door neighbor.
There is becoming such a clear difference in their talking style. I think she is coming off as refreshing.
She's really working the whole in touch with the common man thing.
Biden goes to home depot? Why didn't someone tell me? Obviously he's deeply in touch with americans...
The extra credit monologue was cute...
She shouldn't have opened the vice presidential more power can of worms...
Great speech sarah!
excessive passion/obnoxious blowhard tomato/tamahto
sobbing to attack dog in 60 seconds, good job joe.
Closing remarks---Nice little jab against the media... She is a true patriot... Liberals and Republicans agree, great closing statement.
Biden is such a snoozefest. Nice last line though...
How do we think she did?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Ah, 23 years old. God that sounds old.
Attention, I have an Announcement!
>>>>*~*TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!*~*<<<<
Please, no applause. And as is my way, I have trouble sleeping sometimes and feel the need to express my innermost thoughts even though no one ever reads it and this usually just turns into a session of self-indulgence. But then it's my birthday so the world has to do what I want!!!
Well, where to start? How does one encapsulate 23 years of life? Eh, too much effort. Let's just talk about where I am now.
I am, for maybe the first time in my life, genuinely and utterly happy. Even though I'm surrounded by liberal indoctrination and general nut jobs, I don't care because so much of my life is just simply lovely. I have my forever best friend Travers who, bless him, let me rant and rave about Obama, make snarky comments, and tell him about my uterus for thirty minutes last night. He is just one of those people who are just simpatico with my soul. I have such wonderful friends spread out all over the country. I have my new network of friends, Team C. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy Blue, Kat, Lash, Deuce, Jojo, Jersey, and the Captain. They are truly great friends. Then I have such wonderful friends as Felicia, who I always can talk to and makes me laugh.
I'm living in a Beautiful house, that is like a palace compared to where I've lived before. (most people don't know this, but I've spent most of my life in Trailer houses) My classes are completely nuts full of liberal indoctrination, but hey, thats interesting. I have a new car. And even though my Grandmother is having several problems with her kidneys, everyone else seems to be doing well.
But I think the biggest difference is the transformation that occurred this summer. I feel so free of my neuroses. i'm not going into a big thing about all the bad stuff that happened in Italy, but all those things happened and I survived. I had surgery last Sat, something I've been putting off forever, and I survived. All of these seem silly, and they do now, but I was paralized with fear about being unliked, unpopular, alone, and pain. Now thats its all happened I feel so free. Free like I could never be in Lubbock Texas.
Furthermore, I'm so proud to be an American and living abroad makes me love this country sooooooo much. God is Truly Great.
So even though my birthday is usually really depressing, this year I just can't be depressed about living in Las Vegas, being a year behind in my classes, or being away from all I love. Because for me, it might not get better than this. And God knows, its been much much worse. So this birthday? I'm doing good.
Now if McCain could just make my birthday a complete delight and nominate Palin or Hutchison for VP.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Rise of the Commodore!
okay, I'll try to keep this brief as I explain all the stuff thats gone down in the last few weeks. Its been some wild shit man.
Okay, let's back track to my little mini vacay with mi madre. It was really great to show my mom the sights. She has dreamed of Washington DC for so long. She squealed like a little girl when she saw the capital and I had to practically drag her out of the natural history museum. She loved it so much. It was unfortunate that the American History museum was closed but nonetheless, it was fabulous. As dorky it sounds, I just love being with my mom. Even when she is driving me nuts.
Also, I got to see two of my best friends in the world. Two people who I absolutely adore, Fran and Travy!
We celebrated Trav's birthday in style at Gordon Biersh's and then we hopped over to Busboys and poets for a while. We concluded the night at the Black Cat. I would like to go into more detail but mainly we talked and had a few drinks. It was just so fabulous to be with these people who've i haven't seen but once in 4 years and yet who've had such an impact on my life. These are the kind of friends that are lifetime friends, the ones that you want your kids to play with when you're older, the kind that you call when something great happens to you. I'm so blessed to have them in my life.
And then there was the Yaf conference. Oh so much to say and so little of it printable!!! Where to start? Oh dear...
Well, I was rather hesitant to attend this year's conference. It always amazes me that I'm the most conservative (dare I even say cleanest mouth?) in the room unless I'm in Lubbock Texas or this conference where I'm consequently demoted to Satan's handmaiden. One can only take so much disapproval of one's (granted completely irreverent and inappropriate) sense of humor.
However, I have to say I can't remember having so much fun in my life. I somehow became a commodore of a team of unique individuals, people who on the surface don't have that much in common and yet bonded so tightly that we are still calling and messaging each other a week later. We all have nicknames and yes, i came up with them. It just seems like we transcended all the minute things that keep people from getting to know each other. So for me, last week was special. And was really great was being loved. I guess I've been treated too harshly by my peers in Vegas and Lubbock. At this convention, people actually seemed to think i was funny and clever. I think that the events of the last four years had made me forget that feeling of riding on just one big wave of laughter.
Oh, and I announced my major was stripping on C-span. Mustn't forget that little tidbit. See video in previous post
Suffice to say, I met some of the most intelligent and moral people I will ever meet and I love being a conservative.
Of course, I came to Texas for my Semi-annual trip and found out my grandmother is having near fatal kidney failure, my friend from high school is having a hellacious time in Mexico, and that I have to have emergency surgery next week, but hey, thats another blog entry.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Top 27 Fav Songs
I can't sleep, so I'm going to address one of my fav subjects, music. These are, in no particular order, my fav songs. I got the idea a while ago from my dear friend Shannan. Here we go:
Shine by Anna Nalick
Gracie By Ben Folds
One toke over the Line Brewer and Shipley
For what its worth Buffalo Springfield
Layla (unplugged) by Eric Clapton (C's note-Sexiest song ever written)
Lonely Girl br Cross Canadian Ragweed
The Long Way Around by the Dixie Chicks
Desperado by the Eagles
Valley of the Low Sun by Jakob Dylan
Something Good this way Comes by Jakob Dylan
Fire and Rain by James Taylor
Daughters by John Mayer
Neon by John Mayer
Gardenia by Mandy Moore
She will be loved by Maroon 5
Always on my mind by Michael Buble (c's note: Hate hate hate Willie's version)
Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum
There's a fine fine line from Avenue Q the musical
Carry on by Pat Green
Texas on my mind by Pat Green
50 ways to leave your lover by Paul Simon
La Vie Boheme From Rent the Musical
Maggie May by Rod Stewart
I wish I was a punk rocker (with flowers in my hair) by Sandi Thom
Fields of Gold by Sting
Here you go, the soundtrack to my life!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My new Musical Love
I am so utterly and completely in love love love with Jakob Dylan. That's right, Bob's son. His entire CD is completely brilliant. It's his daddy's voice, John Mayer's lyricism, and pure poetry rolled into one. Unbe-freakin-lievable.
You have to download it.
Especially War is Kind and Valley of the Low Sun.
I'm adding Something Good This Way Comes to my absolute all time fav list!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Truth About Italy
Okay, I'm tired of explaining the whole saga to everyone. It seems easier just to post what happened as briefly as possible and move on. This has been edited because I'm so over all of this that I don't want any more drama from that quarter. So this is the last word on the testament.
I hated Italy.
Now you ask, How could anyone hate italy?
Let me break it down.
I signed up to be in the dorm. I did not want to be with Americans, and I wanted internet. I ended up in an apartment with two Americans. No internet. I was terrified that I wouldn't have anything in common with or like the people. Bingo, ended up disliking most of them. I would normally feel bad about saying that publicly, but trust me, they did not like me either. They really did not like me. And its not that they were of the bad sort. Well some of them were annoying as hell. I can't go by a trader joes anymore without wanting to scream. Yeah, that experience is ruined when you hear a 45 minute monologue about oh my god, how great trader joes is. It's like so wonderful! The cupcakes are delicious! Have you ever had the sushi? Oh my god! So good. (yeah, that for 45 minutes)
I just am at point in my life when I want to talk about more than what they wanted to talk about. They loved each other so much that I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they talked about something more than what I heard. Surely. Surely there was more to their conversations that what I heard. I am willing to think that there was more to them than what I saw. I just couldn't be around them. Which was obvious to them so I annoyed the living hell out of them too. And trust me, they did everything except put out a notice in the New York times telling as many people as possible about it.
But they didn't see the real me. They saw the Crystal that shut down when she saw how it was going to go. When I saw that I didn't get internet and the people I was sharing an apartment with, I shut down. I got depressed, more depressed than i ever been in my life. I was completely isolated in a foreign country without internet, dryers, dishwashers, television, radio, books, AIR CONDITIONING, and intellectual conversation. With some of the most annoying people in creation. Not only were they annoying, but they constantly talked about me behind my back. Not all of them were this way, just some of them and it brought the general discourse down. Besides being generally depressing, I hadn't done anything to these people. And they said the most vicious things about me. Not only me, but the people that were wonderful to them. Like the guy who fed them all the time and had them over at his house or this sweet guy that helped me with my computer. Much less these two girls that hung out together.
Maybe its just the way I was raised, but if you know someone is suffering and depressed you help them. You invite them out. But they shut me out. My roommates never invited me to anything and treated me like crap with such a double standard. And the things they said about me (and let me tell you the walls in that apartment were so thin) were absolutely vile. And they said not one word to me about anything. It was the most two-faced, insane thing I've ever seen in my life.
I was a witness the most idiotic political commentary on Earth. Meeting some of these people, I see now how people could fear for the future of the world.
Don't get me wrong, I was no picnic. I'm pretty sure I did not do a good job of hiding my revulsion and general depression. I was so depressed that I think I started having physical symptoms. For four days, I had the worst headache of my life. I don't know if it was a virus, or just from crying all weekend. In some ways, I don't blame them for not talking to me or ignoring me. Its hard being around someone who can barely stand you. Not to mention is depressed and rapidly approaching bitter. When someone has those qualities, the only word for it is bitch. I was a major major bitch at times. But I maintain I had cause. I just have trouble separating their behavior with my impressions of most of them and my resentment for the whole situation. I don't thing they realized that they hadn't invited me to anything and that I had been shut out. Part of it was because I come from a culture where you wait for an invitation and you never ever invite yourself. Maybe they expected for me to say outloud I wanted to go with them, but thats verboten where I come from.
And there were several people who I could have liked, but never got the chance. I probably should feel like I missed something great because they were all so in love with each other, but I kind of felt like I had made the greatest escape of my life. I was so determined to get home I ran across the German airport barefoot. I was not going to miss my connection dammit!!!
Plus, lets face the fact that I've had the experience that they had. I've had that great experience of meeting people who are completely simpatico with you, who you just fall in love with. And that was part of it. I've had such great experiences that I had much too high expectations. Suffice to say, I didn't cope well with my disappointment.
I also need to mention I took the worse class in the history of the world there. So so so awful.
However, I have to say that there were some bright spots. Chiefly, the Mediterranean. I loved it so much I painted one wall in my room the color closest to it. And there was one night that I loved where I let my hair down and got to dance. They were quite fun that night. And there was the night with the crazy norwegians. And that night I sat out on my balcony and watched the rain hit the Med. Or Capri, the most beautiful place on Earth. And Gelato! I have a new passion, Gelato! Or lemon Vodka. Pasta Carbonara. When I close my eyes at night, there are new images that set me at peace---italian sunsets, beautiful shoes, and Capri.
But the best part? Italy set me free. I realize now that I have lived so much of the last 4 years in fear. But the worst thing possible? All the things that held me back that terrified me? They've already happened. I've been isolated, alone, unpopular, stabbed in the back, heartbroken, unable to communicate. I've been miserable. I've been humiliated, bashed in public, judged. I've gotten in a rowboat and couldn't swim. I've had awkward conversations with strangers. I've had to stop and show my ignorance. I've had to live on my own without a net. Without technology, I had to rely on my brain to get me through. I was lost so much in Italy that I practically had to send up smoke signals. I've walked alone in a strange country at 5 am. I've taken the wrong train and had to hang out in one of the worst places in Earth. I've had to deal with people I couldn't stand and make it work. I was about as alone as I could be. I was more depressed than I've ever been.
And I made it. I don't fear storms anymore. I learned to sail a ship to sail me through them. I realize now that I was afraid to live the life that I wanted because of all these things, things that happened to me in Italy. All the things I feared the most happened and I made it. I've never been scared of death, just taking the risk to live the life I want. A life of passion, travel, and chaos. A messy life of grandeur. A life that is unconventional and even at times miserable.
I guess it all comes down to what Elizabeth Gilbert said in EPL. "Virginia Woolf wrote, 'Across the broad continent of a woman's life falls the shadow of a sword.' On one side of that sword, she said, there lies convention and tradition and order, where 'all is correct.' But on the other side of that sword, if you're crazy enough to cross it and choose a life that does not follow convention, 'all is confusion. Nothing follows a regular course.' Her argument was that the crossing of the shadow of that sword may bring a far more interesting existence to a woman, but you can bet it will also be more perilous."
So would I go through the misery again, the bone aching loneliness, the utter agony? I don't know. Had I chosen another program, I might have had a better time, a wonderful international experience. I might have gotten to have great conversations with some europeans, the reason for the whole exercise. And had you asked me last week, I would have said God Yes. Anything would have been better. But now, I don't know. I think going something that absolutely awful made me a better person, more capable of handling the life that I can see coming towards me. Will I be better for it? I have no idea.
Plus, I've never been a bigger republican or more in love with my country. I love America so much right now, you have no idea. Thats something.
In closing, let me say the past is past and I can only live from this day on. So those who read this will now understand why I hate talking about those 5 weeks of my life and why I want to hurl every time I hear the words pizza or trader joes.
Something I learned the hard way:
“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.” -Charles Swindoll
“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
“To become a spectator of one's own life is to escape the suffering of life.” ~Oscar Wilde
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Italy, Whats the deal?
Okay, so some of you have been asking why I haven't been posting on the Italy blog. Its simple and not as tragic as it sounds. I just really have been laid back here and not getting out and seeing everything Italy has to offer. I know, chance of lifetime, grand adventure, live life and all that. But I just haven't been feeling it. I realize that its hard to imagine me not having fun where I go whether it beautiful Italy or outer Siberia. But as previously stated, I'm a complicated creature. While its beautiful here, I just really didn't get the opportunities for intellectual conversation that I had hoped. Most italians don't speak english here and I just find it way too tiring to have to converse with the Americans here. I should amend that to most of them. One can only gossip and bash people so much. God only knows what they've been saying about me. Apparently. I am a sobbing pile of whinyness and depression without modern technology. I refuse to appologize for being a child of the 20th century. My generation is tech savvy and yes dependent and there is worse things in the world. After I get my final grade, I'll tell you about my prof. oy! Even though Italy hasn't been what I've been expecting, even yes, a terrible mistake, I can't regret coming here. I feel like I have more pieces to the ultimate knowledge I've been seeking and another piece to understanding the human condition. It's helped my writing and moreover, its given more credence to arguments I've been making for some time. Plus, I've been able to buy some awesome awesome awe-some shoes. I'm supposed to be working on my final so I'll not tarry here, but I will include some lyrics that seem appropriate. They pretty much summarize my feelings, which is even more depressing. Yes, I've been a little ray of sunshine here, yessiree. Hahahaha. Trust me, when I'm home and can tell you the real story, you will totally understand. Another summer day Has come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna go home Mmmmmmmm Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I wanna go home Oh, I miss you, you know And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two“I’m fine baby, how are you?” I would send them but I know that it’s just not enough My words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that Another airplane Another sunny place I’m lucky I know But I wanna go home I’ve got to go home Let me go home I’m just too far from where you are I wanna come home And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s life It’s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why you could not Come along with me This was not your dream But you always believed in me Another winter day has come And gone away In even Paris and Rome And I wanna go home Let me go home And I’m surrounded by A million people IStill feel alone Oh, let me go home Oh, I miss you, you know Let me go home I’ve had my run Baby, I’m done I'm coming back home Let me go home It will all be all right I’ll be home tonight I’m coming back home
Okay, so apparently this is when God has decided to make my trip a little more interesting. Last night, when I was calmly doing my homework, my upstairs neighbor got locked out of his apartment. It was quite the crisis because just about everyone's homework was in his apartment. So as you can guess, everyone was totally freaking out. There was about 5 of us and mike and so they all went back to where Mike had thought he had lost his keys and traced his steps. I stayed in case everyone needed let in the building and because I thought this was pointless. Mike was really upset and was looking at climbing gutter pipes like spider man and using wire to hook on to the handle. While he was doing this I went downstairs and wrote down in my best italian from my dictionaries "I have lost my key, can I climb on to your balcony?" Yeah, I didn't think it would work either, but we were running out of options. So anyway, I talked him into going downstairs and at least trying to sweet talk our way into the building next door so he could climb on the roof to his patio. Thus getting in his house. We went downstairs and we just couldn't figure a way to get in next door. So I stopped an Italian couple and using my phrasebook, which does not include the important phrases like "I'm locked out of my house, may I climb on your roof?" Clearly a gross oversight on their part. Don't think I won't be writing a letter. Anyway, I start doing these wild hand gestures that are rapidly turning into an interpretive dance of pacing our lane pointing at our building and then miming climbing and then running to the other building and pointing. Anyway, the couple watch the show for a minute and then the man makes a call on his cell. I can't understand anything except, "molto stupido americano" in the entire call. He tells us to wait there for 20 minutes. Anyway, meanwhile one of the other girls in the program comes over and goes up to my apartment to put up some jello she had brought over. As she comes down the stairs, I look over to the end of the lane and what pulls up? A Fucking Firetruck!!!! Yes, four really good looking italian firemen came out of a firetruck, laughing their asses off. Michael is just sitting there going, no! No! No! I'm laughing hysterically and I turn to sonya as she comes down the steps and I tell her "you have to go get my camera, trust me, its on the table. GET THE CAMERA!!!" So I'm explaining the problem to the firemen and they are like, no problemo. So we all trek up to the top floor and three of them get this little plastic strip out and unlock the door. The main guy is standing on the steps and his eating this up man, he thinks this is so funny. So I ask him if I can take his photo and he says yes. (See below.) Anyway, they get the door open and ask to see Michaels passport and after that michael asks if he can take their picture. They say. "We want the women" I'll be posting soon that picture. Lord have mercy, the things I get into.
I am a complicated creature. Now some of you reading that statement who know me well or even just have a nodding acquaintance with me are thinking: “Well, duh. You went 8000 miles to Italy, spent an ungodly amount of money and that is your great epiphany? I could told you that for a quarter and half an uneaten tootsie roll.” Allow me to explain why I feel the need to point this most glaring fact out. I am in a picturesque village in the Italian countryside, whose architecture is breathtaking, the people smile at me when I pass them, mostly because I look like a cute little fat American. I can hear the rain tap the cobblestone streets, my neighbors are playing an Italian love song of some kind out their window and my apartment looks like a movie directors dream. In short, this is one of those moments that are supposed to carry you throughout your old age, those blissful minutes that you keep tucked in your memory to tell your grandchildren. I am so fucking miserable I can’t even stand myself. See!?!?! See?!?! Is that nuts or what? How can you be miserable in Italy? In TUSCANY?!?!?! What the hell is wrong with me? Allow me to explain why I feel this way so that you can gain further insight into what has the potential to be one of the great clusterfucks of my life. There is no TV, no newspaper, no radio, no satellite radio, and NO INTERNET!!!! I have no internet. I can only get internet by going to an internet spot that for all intents and purposes is only open from 4 to 8. Of course, for all intents and purposes, ITALY is only open from 4 to 8 because the Italians eat lunch from 1:30 to 4. Normally, I would not mind this as I am all for a long lunch. However, I have class until 1:30 every day and after that, I am alone. Yes, alone. Totally and completely alone. People who will tell you that most Italians speak English have never been to Viterbo. No one speaks English here. I want to converse with these people so much and yet, I can’t because of a language barrier that is so wide we might as well be from other planets. No international students! I have only met one and I didn’t get a chance to talk to her because she was leaving the coffee shop I was in. I am going to try to find more of them but its really hard because the University is really just a few buildings, a joke of a library, and a cafeteria. And most of the Italian students don’t exactly look thrilled to see an American in their vicinity. Of course now we must get to the heart of the matter, what about the other Americans? Most people like you Crystal, so you must be making friends with the other Americans right? Well not exactly. To say we are not getting along is not accurate. I have been the soul of southern gentility, as unbitchy as possible and I think it just comes down to I can’t keep up with all their walking and they have left the weak link behind. And I don’t blame them. You see, you walk everywhere in Italy, EVERYWHERE. Which actually I was surprised to learn that I did not mind this. Unless its uphill. My little legs have never actually walked up a tall hill in their 22 years of existence. They don’t know how to function. And of course, I had either the stomach flu, dehydration, or poisoning from the water the first few days so that didn’t help matters. But in my inner most heart I can’t help think a lot of it is we have nothing in common. Though in truth there is one or two, I would like to smack the living crap out of. But they aren’t a bad sort, in fact most of them are very very very nice And I have party central, their main meeting place, right above me. But I have different interests from them and don’t know how to make conversation. I know, I know, I never thought there would be day that I couldn’t make conversation. But maybe it’s because I come from a different culture or maybe its just I’m having such a difficult time adjusting, but I’m just not having any fun with them. I hope that will change. Of course, over the last week, I’ve been asking myself what I wanted out of this experience. And I realized now I wanted 4 things: to eat as much Italian food as possible, to see Rome and Florence, to have intelligent conversations with people from other countries, and to learn how to live on my own. Also I guess I thought living here for a month would help heal me from the Great Depression of a couple years ago. Yes, I got this from Eat Pray Love and now it’s turning into “Lets All Pray Crystal Gets Out of Here Alive.” Having purged all the poison, all my misgivings, all the pain from this experience from my soul, allow me to tell you what I love about Italy. Yes, there is some kind of magic in a place that you can still love even when you’re miserable. A place that even almost getting run down by a crazy fiat driver puts a smile on your face. There are so many things to love about this little corner of the world. I love Italy so much that I even don’t mind that every shower I take is a new experience in second degree burns and hypothermia, that learning how to use the washer was a week long epic journey that involved more work and brainpower than any final. I love the rain here so much that I splash in every puddle I can. I wouldn’t even do this when I was little, but, here its so wonderful for the skies to open up and let down all this beautiful water. I didn’t even care that my sneakers got completely and utterly filthy, ruining the pristine white that had caught my eye when I saw them on the shelf. That just made them more Italian. I love going to all the different stores and buying just what I want. I don’t care that’s its inconvenient or expensive. I just love getting to have a new encounter with an Italian every time I buy something. I love looking out my window and saying buongiorno to my neighbor across the alley, who is about 10 feet away. I love leaving my windows open at night and letting the cool air in. It makes me feel like I’m a part of everyone’s home, that we are all connected. I haven’t had much Italian food in the restaurants because I had a yen to cook. I didn’t like going to the supermarket the first time I went but now I love looking at all the different foods, guessing what they might be by the pictures. I bought some chicken at the supermarket here and sautéed it in a little butter, olive oil, and garlic, and it was the juiciest, plumpest chicken I have ever tasted in my life. I had pizza here and its so good that I ate almost the entire pie. Even the coke is better here and its so terribly expensive I’ve been hoarding it like a squirrel’s nuts. And then there are the pastries!!! Oh the pastries. Every morning I go by a little bakery that makes cookies to die for and croissants with little pockets in them. Once they are done baking they put either apricot jam or nutella in them. “Oh the nutella!” She screams in rhapsody. It has given me so much satisfaction its almost sexual. I eat it with everything---bread, fruit, potato chips. I’d even have it on top of pasta if I didn’t think it would freak out my roommates. Maybe not, but it is so good I cannot describe to you how wonderful it tastes. The best thing about everything being in Italian is that I can’t read the food labels, which means that I cannot be held responsible for the calorie count in the food I eat. Yes, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. I’m getting fatter but hey, blame the Italian language!!! And yet, I had not gotten to the best part of my Italian food journey. The Gelato. Oh gelato, how did I live 22 years without you? Gelato is the new love of my life, something so blissful so absolutely lovely that were it not blasphemous I would make it my religion. But them God would smite me and where would I get my beautiful gelato? Bellissima gelato! . For one of the first times in my life, I have no words. There are no words. It’s the greatest ice cream on Earth and a passion that has been kindled in me. How I love it! I could live off of it and whenever I eat it I cannot imagine being miserable in Italy. How could anyone be miserable in the vicinity of Gelato? Like I said, I’m a complicate creature.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Essay for YAF Conference
There comes a time in every girl’s life when she has a defining moment. A moment so clear that she understands a truth greater than herself. I had mine last week when I realized something very important about the state of the world. American liberals are idiots. Of this I have no doubt. However, European liberals are just plumb out of their minds, dangerous nutjobs in fact. I had this realization as I sat in a Tuscan cafe, enjoying a caffé and croissant. I overheard two girls discuss American politics and to put my feelings in a nutshell, I was terrified of the state of the world. The more time I spend here in Europe, the more I believe in American foreign policy. They say its supposed to be the opposite, but then I’m the same person that got here, realized there were no clothes dryers, air conditioners, cable television, and internet and said distinctly, “somebody get me the heck back to Texas!” If the European Union is going to be as powerful as everyone is predicting, than the fight needs to start right now. We as conservatives have our own defining moment now and I strongly believe in our cause. The more that is revealed about Mr. Obama the more disgusted and worried I become. I am even more disgusted when I think about the fact that it might be my generation that gives him the White House. We have become blinded as a country by all the swill that is thrown at us that we have lost our way, lost sight of truths that used to be self-evident. We now live in a world where our media hates people of religion, values or own a gun and have forgotten that it was a group of highly religious people armed to the teeth that landed on Plymouth Rock. And as much as we may claim to have friends in the international community, I am convinced now (as I sit in an Italian internet café) that there will be no help from that quarter. They say travel is broadening and that is true. Being here in Italy has made me appreciate America is ways that I wouldn’t have imagined a month ago. It also has given me insight into the value of the American Conservative Ideal. I firmly believe we are rapidly becoming the last defense in a world that has gotten completely and utterly mad. I live in a world where Michael Moore is a frequent visitor, where the professors are allowed to call the president “Georgie Porgie the election stealer,” and where there are sex workers conventions going on in the auditorium. Allow me to say its very Twilight Zone when you are in the middle of Renaissance Lit and hear “Whores Unite!” from the next room. And as much as that used to upset me, I realize now that all of those things are symptoms of a greater disease, of a greater problem. All the liberal eccentricities that I deal with on an every day basis are mere trifles compared to what is to come if we lose this election, if we do not fight this like our very lives are at stake. Because I realize now more than ever, this is life or death. Because if we lose what we have, there will be no tomorrow. And I will fight this madness with every breath in my body, with all the strength I have, with every skill I possess. Because I believe. I believe in so much that could fade away in the face of the liberal sickness. And that is sooo not going to happen if Crystal Boyd has anything to say about it.
Monday, April 21, 2008
I just bought two kermit the frog purses at target so in honor...
This is the one I remember watching over and over.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Eat Pray Love, some of my fav quotes.
I've been raving about this book for close to six months and I noticed today that I have blogged about it. Please allow me to correct this grievous error of judgement.
I am so so so so so in love with this book. I love this book more than any i have ever read. Gilbert is such an amazing writer. I want to be just like her, only less liberal and not as skinny. And not as tortured if i can help it. But seriously, it will be one of the great classics twenty years from now. Keep in mind I've probably read more books in the last 15 years than most people have in the last 70.
The quality of the writing is so awesome, so fantastic, its hard not to love it. It's about one woman's journey “to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India, and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two.”
Here are some of my fav quotes:
"Traveling is the great true love of my life. I have always felt...that to travel is worth any cost of sacrifice. I am loyal and constant in my love for travel, as I have not been loyal and constant in my other loves. I feel about travel the way a happy new mother feels about her impossible, colicky, restless newborn baby---I just don't care what it puts me through. Because I adore it. Because its mine. Because it looks exactly like me. It can barf all over me if it wants to---I just don't care." p. 41
"The great Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi once advised his students to write down the three things they most wanted in life. If any item on the list clashes with any other item, Rumi warned, you are destined for unhappiness. Better to live a life of single-pointed focus, he taught."p 29
"In the end, what I have come to believe about God is simple. It's like this-- I used to have this really great dog. She came from the pound. She was a mixture of about ten different breeds, but seemed to have inherited the finest features of them all. She was brown. When people asked me,What kind of dog is that?" I would always give the same answer: 'she's a brown dog.' Similarly, when the question is raised, 'What kind of God do you believe in?' my answer is easy: 'I believe in a magnificent God.' " p. 14
"I want to have a lasting experience of God... Sometimes I feel like I understand the divinity of this world, but then I lose it because I get distracted by my petty desires and fears. I want to be with God all the time, but I don't want to be a monk, or totally give up worldly pleasures. I guess what I want to learn is how to live in this world and enjoy its delights, but also devote myself to God."
"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror—the person who shows you everything that’s holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you and then they leave. And thank God for it... Problem is, you can’t accept that this relationship had a real short shelf life. You’re like a dog at the dump, baby—you’re just lickin’ at an empty tin can, trying to get more nutrition out of it. And, if you’re not careful, that can’s gonna get stuck on your snout forever and make your life miserable.”
"I warn myself not to get attached to any obsolete ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve."
"One must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation."
"To my taste. the men in Rome are ridiculously, hurtfully, stupidfully beautiful. even more beautiful than the Roman women to be honest...They're like show poodles. Sometimes they look so good I want to applaud. The men here, in their beauty, force me to call upon romance novel rhapsodies in order to describe them. They are 'devilishly attractive' or 'cruelly handsome' or 'surprisingly muscular.'"
Am I free or just high on zyrtec?
I woke up this morning free of my Texas baggage. Yes, indeed. Granted I could be hallucinating from the sinus infection. I have a killer headache. But for real, all the things that used to bother me about where I came from, the little eccentricities of Lubbock that opposed my general beliefs are no more. Let me walk you through it.
I've been a tad melancholy lately. I know, we are all shocked. Me? Sad? Noooo. But I've felt lately that its the end of an era. I've been in contact with some of my oldest friends lately, ones that whose friendship I have tried to foster since we graduated. These are friends that know where I came from, who knew when i was an entirely different person. And friends that I really don't have that much to talk to about anymore. It made me sad that think that these mainstays, these wonderful were slipping from me. For so long they have been my dock lines, the ropes that tied me to the Texas port of my soul. Just by talking to them I was able to touch back with all the things I left. If I felt sorrowful that they were all getting married young, tying themselves to their high school sweethearts, I could sigh a superior sigh. I was so secure in the knowledge that they were making a mistake. I am still sure of that with a few. Nonetheless, i have always been in tune to where they at in their lives, in sync with what they were feeling. Now they just make me feel old and wizened.
Sometimes I can't help looking at some of them, with their bright and shiny degrees, waiting to take the world by storm, and thinking that they are out of their minds. They still think everything will be so easy. It's utterly bizarre to me to think that the world is an ally when I try to fight it everyday. I'm so cynical and world weary now. And should that be the way you are when you are 22? Shouldn't you have a fair grasp of how the world works? But if there is one thing I know, living in Texas, especially West Texas, doesn't prepare you for the real world. It is not in any form or fashion the real world and I always feel just sick to my stomach for the people that want to spend their lives there.
But is that it? Should my only feelings for most of my old compadres be pity? Should it be that most of the time when I think about Texas, it is now with a feeling removal and distance. I'm really not a Texan anymore. It makes me sad to say it. But even the ones I feel closest to seem so shallow, so completely out of touch with everything I value. What does it say about me that I'm just so over it? I've moved on so completely that now I feel adrift, cast out into a sea of yankees. Every time I go back now, I look at it like I would any place I traveled to. Temporary. Its just not home, not a place i want to associate with anymore.
Thats not to say I don't value my old friends. It's just for the most part, they aren't a part of me anymore. Sometime I think every time I get close to someone, some part of me becomes devoted to them. I'm losing my Texas parts. I just don't understand them anymore. Texas has such a different mindset than Vegas, than anywhere. You have to talk to them, react in entirely different ways. Its like learning a different language and realizing that you have to address people of authority in a different way than you would a peer. I've lost the part of me that can communicate with them, the part that even wants to. Its all such bullshit.
So i guess today is the end of an era. I'm not a Texan anymore.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Technical Difficulties
I'm having technical difficulties with the blog formatting. Part of this is because I'm on the school computer when I should be working and another is because blogger is Satan. Please be Patient.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Las Vegas is crazy...more than usual I tell you.
What the Hell is happening to this town? First, the clinics reuse needles and don't clean their machines after doing colonoscopies. Then, a guy with enough ricin to kill us all is caught just off the street. My dad's been driving me nuts worried about me in Italy, but, crap I'm headed to Europe to be safe.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
51 things to do before I die
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Great Lyrics
It ain't coleridge, ain't great poetry, but its the music of my heart. In my next life I won't cuss so much I won't ever touch that first cigarette In my next life I'll stay away from bad boys I'll listen to that voice inside of my head I won't wake up and look in the mirror wondering what I did last night But in this life I want to have a good time I wanna live fas tHit it as hard as anybody has' Til they turn out the lights If I get to come back I promise you that I'm gunna walk a straighter line In my next life I'll keep my shirt on when I'm at Mardi Gras Gettin' loose and free In my next life I won't do body shots I won't think I've got to try everything I'm gunna be a little angel who gets her kicks flying right But in this life I want to have a good time I wanna live fast Hit it as hard as anybody has 'Til they turn out the lights If I get to come back I promise you that I'm gunna walk a straighter line In my next life But in this life I want to have a good time I wanna live fast Hit it as hard as anybody has Til' they turn out the lights If I get to come back I promise you that I'm gunna walk a straighter line In my next life I'll keep my shirt on when I'm at Mardi Gras If I come back... We forgave yoko ono when the beatles broke up and went there seperate ways We forgave no show George jones for kicking back at home when he should have been on stage Nixon Clinton, Pee-Wee Herman, they got off scott free, oh why cant you forgive me We Forgave Milli Vanilli, We forgave Willie for cheating the IRS Miss Field Goal Kicks and the Dixie Chicks For all that Political Mess Justin, Janet, Every lawyer on the planet all the crap thats on TV Oh Why cant you forgive me Chorus--Was it really all that bad Were we really all that mad, I say live and let live Forget and Forgive Its all Water under the Bridge Repeat Chorus Well you forgave your momma for all her drama You forgave your sister too Your hairdresser you dont hate her for messing up your DOO Honey I love you didnt mean to hurt you, I'm sorry baby PleaseOh why cant you forgive me Runaway Bride those fema guys they got off scott free Oh why cant you forgive me
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
D'Souza is a freaking Genius
Hah!!! http://news.aol.com/newsbloggers/2008/02/05/is-mccain-a-real-conservative/
Why the conservative commentators need to get off their pity pot and be practical
Today is a sad time for me. I feel as if I am in mourning. I am saddened because today is the day I must take a stand against the conservative establishment and the conservative commentators I so adore. Rush, Sean, Ann, Mark, Laura, and yes, even Glenn have forced my hand on this issue. Their prognostications of doom and their hatred of John McCain are sinking both the conservative party and the influence of talk radio. They are decrying the supposed leftists and independents that are voting for McCain, as if these are the ones who are turning the tide. I think its time for them to realize that any leftists and independents who are voting are voting in the democratic race. Thats the exciting one, the one that the media focus is on. The people who are voting for John McCain are the ones who believe in his national security experience as well as his efforts to actually work with the left wing establishment. Instead of having a candidate who can be respected by most of our country, they want to elect to polarizing figure who don't have an ice cube's chance in hell of winning a national election. Further more, they are so prideful and angry at McCain that they are willing to kill the conservative and republican parties. By encouraging 'suicide votes' they are indeed killing us all. They would be willing to lead any hope of a republican candidacy to its demise, any hope of turning the tide on international public opinion, just so that their enemy McCain will perish. Let us be clear, they are not doing anything honorable. They are not throwing themselves down on the sword. They are handing Osama Bin Laden the keys to Fort Knox, a media station, and an Uzi. They are compromising themselves and our country because he is not the perfect candidate. Let's face it, there is no perfect candidate. But I strongly believe, along with the polls, that he is our best shot. We need to realize that Satan himself would be a better candidate than Hillary Clinton. But that might be a moot analogy since I not quite sure they aren't one and the same. It's time for the conservative establishment to buck up and face the truth. Our party is in trouble and we need to grasp what ground we can by getting the most likely candidate, John McCain.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Two posts in one night? Yeah, Insomnia kicks in.
Ah, with the start of every semester, we have the usual freaking out and hysteria. Getting to where i'm actually sleeping at night instead of living like a vampire. (Hey, I'm sorry but the most interesting things always happen at night) I'm currently in my second week and its safe to say for the first time in my life, I'm, dare I say, completely unable to cope with my classes. I am, as our jewish friends would say, completely Farklempt. I am so utterly sickened by my class schedule, terrified one would even say. Its not the times or days, though dear god why the university studies department has to schedule a class at 8:30, I don't know. It's the topics and the prof's that deeply trouble me. Currently on my mind is my general lack of enthusiasm about life and/or my cynical nature. Sadly, this will only contribute to what I fear is going to be a very bad semester. First we have my Contemporary American Culture class. Actually, I was looking forward to this one, but now I fear it will be a critique of American Culture class. First on the docket of movies we will watch? Bowling for Columbine. I don't think it is a stretch to say its symptomatic of an American movement that thinks "the world hates us, so what are we doing wrong?" Our college professors tell us the principle of culture relativism that should be applied to every culture, no matter how barbaric, except our own. We aren't allowed to have a set of standards that we could judge a culture on, we are just supposed to believe that the culture is delightful because the culture "has ancient traditions" and "we can't truly judge it without first walking in their shoes." However, no matter the virtues of our own country, no matter how outstanding we are in comparison, we are to be critiqued because Europe is angry with us. Oh and the middle east doesn't like us. Like this is something new. People think it terms of September 11 and forget the middle eastern attacks that we ignored since the carter administration. And I don't care if Europe is angry with us, I'm not too thrilled with Europe. Yeah, I'm going to bite my tongue on this one. At least the professor is fairly cool, though I think he hates teaching that class. You can tell he would rather be doing poetry. But only at UNLV would they put a guy with a doctorate in poetry, who has been published, teaching a research class. I bet he would be a pretty good poetry teacher. And much more professional than Canadian Casanova. This is on top of the movie I watched last week entitled, Violence in America. Most of which was completely biased liberally, which every class is, and blamed American violence on guns and booze. The last ten minutes was pictures of dead bodies and a little thirty second blip of a man shooting his wife. But that one is my own fault since the class is one on serial killers. Its for my soc requirements and yes, all that blood and death is going to be fairly depressing. However, the biggest worry is geology. I was worried about my sciences anyway but the classes I was put in are disasterous. My lecture prof is from Chile and I only understand every other word. Plus apparently he teaches you all this stuff, 55 slides a class, and then none of it is on the tests. But my lab class is what scares me. I should have known it was going to be a clusterfuck when there was all this mix up before class, but I literally do not understand one word my lab professor says. He has a think accent and mumbles everything. Even when he was standing next to me, he kept having to repeat everything. I just wanted to lay down my head and cry, it was that frustrating. I can't remember being as upset as I was after that class. I'm so very upset still. I'm screwed.
Why I Now Support McCain
Apparently as conservatives, we have two options. John and Mitt. I confess to being somewhat underwhelmed. Okay let's face it, we are all suffering from electile dysfunction. Mitt has too many problems, i.e. flipflopping and his religion, and Mccain is not a true conservative, according to every radio host from rush to sean to glenn to the great one. He likes amnesty and was against the bush tax cuts. Of course there was his opinion of gitmo and interrogation techniques. In short, we are all having problems with our apparent non-choices.
The things that's interesting is that the democrats think this will split the republican party. However, as usual, they once again underestimate our hatred of billary. The only person I think the republicans wouldn't vote for over hillary is osama bin laden. And now that obama has aligned himself with Teddy K, he has made himself much more of a republican target. In short, as much as liberals hate bush, which is supposedly their uniting force, we hate hillary.
I think its hard for liberals to imagine this, but its true.
So the question remains, Mitt or John? Personally, I'm going along with electability. Yeah, Mitt is the candidate I most agree with and yes, he's probably a better choice, but it doesn't matter. If you are right when your boat is sinking, you're still heading to the bottom of the ocean. Mccain can win. Further, i'm beginning to think it wouldn't be such a bad thing to have a man that could bring some peace to the national politics. He's a good man who stands by his convictions, and further, he will stand up against the terrorists. Most importantly, he can win. As much as I would love for conservative values to be back in the white house, i would much rather have the devil himself than hillary clinton. McCain is the only one who could beat them. The republican party is ailing folks, we are mired in the mess bush left us and any number of problems. Its time to be practical.
On a personal note, John McCain's wife needs to get a better bra. Lift and support honey, lift and support. She's a beer heiress married to a U.S. Senator, you would think she could afford a better stylist/personal shopper. oy vey! But then again, she has a lot of baggage. She's a former prescription drug addict who had a very serious stroke in 2004. On the other hand, she's in charge of a $300 million dollar company.
I just looked up Mccain on wiki. We have the same birthday!
Who's more likely for VP? Thompson or Rudy? What do you guys think?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Crystal's Presidential Predictions
With the caucus coming up, it is that time my readership has so looked forward to. My readership of probably one but none the less, its time for me to say where I'm predicting Nevada going. First of all, I think Obama will take Nevada. Its a maverick state that is comprised of left wing bleeding hearts, ambivalent apathetics, and angry former republicans. That is who will be voting in the democratic election along with the culinary union which is a very important block. Actually, I don't think the culinary union would be as important but they are going to be allowed to vote in the casinos and there is more emphasis on their voting than ever before. Not to mention the very transparent lawsuit filed by the teacher's union that made the caucus even more controversial and high profile for the culinary union. The way I figure it, the extreme lefties will go for hillary more than any other group, but I think Obama is becoming more and more viable for them. I think the ambivalent apathetics that actually get out in vote will do so because it is really being hammered here. Those that will get out will vote for Obama. He has a certain cache that appeals to them. Further, I think that the people who have separated from the republican party will vote for Obama because the hatred for Slick Hilly still remains. I think that the Obama image is so much stronger here. Even though the Hillary commercials are very irritating. For the Republican Party I project a win for Romney. I think it will be very close. I know that the republicans have not campaigned here at all because the believed that the large Mormon population will turn the tide for Romney. However, I think this is wrong headed because there really isn't enough of a Mormon presence to make an easy victory than one would believe. Plus, the presence of many Mormons in this state has also created a certain uneasiness with the Mormon church that is seen as very forceful and over powering. I think Nevada more than any other state will have a Romney anti-vote. Actually, I think the next contender will be Ron Paul. He is the only one that is campaigning and the man has a huge machine here. There are Ron Paul signs everywhere and moreover, the man has slaves. There are more Ron Paul signs than any others on the roads. As a matter of fact, a week ago I was calling a Ron Paul victory. However, I am revoking that as two days ago because I don't think enough Paulites converted to Republican before the cut off. You see, the republicans are once again making everything a great deal more complicated. Though its probably very smart. You have to be a registered republican for thirty days to vote in the primary. I changed over in protest but mine must have got lost because as of today, I'm still an independent. I confess, even though I won't get to vote in the Primary, I'm still happy to claim Independent status. I could vote in the democratic primary. But I really don't care enough and that many liberals surrounding me would make me break me out in hives. Not that I don't love the liberal population, but that's a minefield. Due to this, everyone is terrified that a bunch of republicans will vote in the democratic primary because they can just sign a form and do it. Hypothetically, you could vote in both. As for me, I'm still very conflicted about who I would like for president. However, since its all academic, I can just send good vibes to all the Republican candidates Except Huckabee. I hate Huckabee. The man is not a conservative and is so religiously zealous that the liberal media is salivating that he might be our candidate because he could be slaughtered in an a general election. His son is crazy, and he is just too Evangelical. He is a zealot that turns everyone off that isn't an Evangelical. Of course, I say that and then I meet the most surprising people who like him. Like my dear friend Mr. T, who shall remain a mystery. He is a liberal that actually interned for Clinton who likes Huckabee. He will vote for a democrat, he doesn't know who yet but my money is on Obama because he's always been a fan. But when talking to him the other day, his first words were I really like Huckabee. My reaction, of course, was, ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?! I loathe upchukabee. Absolutely abhor him. I think he's a total nutjob. In other news, lately I have felt the irresistable urge to buy a red trench coat and a stand up mixer. With a bread hook. The Mixer, not the trench. I also am looking forward to my class on serial killers.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
c'est la vie
I haven't written on this thing in a while. Part of its just nothing has been going on in my life. My biggest debate is whether to go to Europe this summer. God willing I will be in Italia in June. I'm still trying to figure out how I want my life to go. I'm not excited about my classes this semester. I'm taking geology, the geology lab, two University studies classes and one on serial killers. I hope at least part of geology will teach us how to use a loupe. As for the presidential election where to start? I just had this chat with Travers and the truth of the matter is that I'm underwhelmed and I think that the republicans are screwed. Which is probably what we deserve as I must say I am a little annoyed with my comrades in arms. Actually, I'm more flabbergasted. Why do people constantly seem surprised to hear I'm a conservative? What is it about my personality that makes people assume I'm a liberal? Is because I'm very live and let live or because I curse like a sailor? Moreover, why is that I find a lot of the college republicans I'm around, uh, to be shall we slightly grumpy? Eh, let's just say they don't care for me either. Probably why I always hated being in the college republicans. I think there might be something wired in a college republican that says you have to promote conformity along with the GOP. Which I find surprising as they are fighting the liberal university establishment themselves. Why does being a CR preclude accepting the typical oddball/non-establishment type? If nothing else, its bad PR. The CR groups that don't offer haven to diversity is failing to benefit the school and is losing a golden opportunity. A lot of students would align themselves as conservatives if we weren't victims to the image. Further, I hate the word conservative as it fails to encapsulate the ideas of the movement fully. If the liberals are becoming progressives, I wish we could get a new name. Sometimes I feel like saying outloud I'm a conservatice with my wild manner, loud laugh, and general flamboyance is ridiculous. And I think everyone around me thinks it is too. I believe in smaller government, rights of the individual, guns, a strong military, and more guns. I wear animal print, talk too loud, drink too much, cuss, and, if you will forgive the immodesty, quite a bit of fun. I'm a conservative but not conservative. And its that tenet, that contradiction, that lends considerable trouble to my life. It leads to assumptions that annoy the hell out of me, even though it does come in handy in making me more endeared to my psychotically liberal professors. But even that is irksome. Indeed, I am in limbo on many issues. I am a gypsy, searching for a permanant home and a purpose. I can dabble in my little tantrums and crises because I am a child of indulgent parents and a self indulgent generation. Which brings me to the latest thing on my mind. When is self indulgence go into the realm of unforgivable selfishness? I seem to be surrounding myself with people who are taking self indulgence to the point of hurting others. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the celebration of self. Let's remember that I'm the person whose life long ambition is to have a national holiday named "Crystal Boyd Day" just so there can be an annual parade all about me. With Elephants, twirlers, and shriners in those little cars. But I keep thinking about Natalie Holloway and how what happened to her could easily have been anyone of the people I know. They do things with the idea that its their life and they should live it up. Yet, I think its important to remember how many people have invested in our existance and their pain if something were to happen to us. Not just our parents, but everyone that would mourn the passing of a reckless youth. I'm so annoyed with this idea of each person's life being their own. No man is an isle and everything we do affects the people around us. About now it the time people should be realizing that doing the stupidest thing possible and blaming alcohol or youthful stupidity is immature and a dangerous habit to get into. Well, thats about all my rants. In other thoughts, Tony Romo is utterly overrated, I want another dog I can name Dorothy parker, househunting is going to be the death of me, and my diet starts tomorrow. Kill me now. I'm actually looking forward to class so I can back in my routine. “When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other.”-Proverb “There are people who strictly deprive themselves of each and every eatable, drinkable, and smokable which has in any way acquired a shady reputation. They pay this price for health. And health is all they get for it. How strange it is. It is like paying out your whole fortune for a cow that has gone dry.”-Mark Twain